Friday, May 11, 2018

What do Buskers mean by Roaches, and what's a Roach Show.

Well gather around kids and let grandpa tell you a story.

Over the years I have been asked to write about this, I have been reluctant to talk about this subject, because it is a derogatory term used secretly amongst performers, about a person with bad behavioral tendencies standing within the audience. I have always felt this is a bad state of mind to have as a performer, especially when approaching a show.

Also, as a performer myself, who wants their audience to trust them and like them, I would not want this to be taken in the wrong way. Never the less, roaches are a reality, and are one of the things a performer is subjected to when they go out there. So, finally, against my better judgment, I'm going to take a stab at this.

This shouldn't have to be said, but never call anyone a roach, when performers talk about it, they wisely talk about it amomgst each other, in secret, with low voices, because it can be construed by the general public in many ways disastrous.

With that said.

The most important thing one should understand about a roach is that it is a term directed to a behavior, NOT any one group of people in general.

In fact roaches come from all walks of life, rich, poor, educated, ignorant, any language, any creed, even male or female, they run in groups, or they run alone.

So what is a roach?

A roach is a person who is hostile to your show and confrontational, always rushing you and trying to catch you, trying to show others your show is a waste of time, yet they stay the whole time, relentlessly trying to think of ways to trip you up. They are not just a bad heckler, they are something more.

Lets unpack this.

Why would a person stay the whole time and watch something they believes sucks?

Because they know it doesn't suck, they just don't want to pay you and they need an excuse not to look like a bum when they don't tip you.

The main goal of a roach is to steal a free show and then break it up so they don't have to pay.

Their second objective, is to try and appear as the smartest person in the group, outwitting the performer and his crowd, so as to finally cover up his tracks, that he is not going to tip you.

You see a roach is doing a magic trick too, they are appearing to be a person who is dissatisfied with the product, so that they can get it for free.

Over the years I have interviewed roaches about this and watched their behaviors, and they have assured me, that this is their motives. Sadly yes, I have done the research.

Once one knows their little secret, it can be turned around on them quickly. Strangely enough most roaches are fair and play by a rule, that if they are exposed to the whole crowd, they will stop.

When you turn the light on in a room, the roach knows the jig is up and there's no where to run.

The performer must be very careful not to lose the crowd when doing this and the roach knows this, and is figuring there is nothing the performer can do.

Prove him wrong, hold your crowd and shut him down.

Another method which is different then the first, is to try and keep upstaging the roach, I think this method works sometimes depending on the endurance of the roach, but I always feel bad about myself at the end of a long day of roaches, when using this method.

If the performer finds themselves on a pitch infested with roaches, the first plan of action should be to leave, and run like the wind. If this is not possible, one can shift gears and do a Roach Show.

The Roach Show-

This is a show, that machine guns sharp and even cutting lines and tricks at a rapid pace with manipulation and patter. The rapid pace, is so that there is no room for interruption, and it is ended abruptly asking for money with very direct language. If a roach interrupts in any way, simply give him the option to tip or remain silent and watch. After the interruption you must continue immediately with the show. The mood of the show, if one can imagine this, is to be stern, fun, direct and to the point with no lulls.

If you have a long show ordinarily, you may need to cut it down a little to avoid any openings for the roach.

If this is done right, you can win the respect of the roach and yes even get paid, depending how well you earn their respect, they can even be generous, because they feel you understood them and delivered on their expectations as a real Magician. And yes, I know this is pathetic, and it's not a real way to present a show, but why do you think some performers call them roaches.

I've seen pros do Roach Shows, and make huge money when all the other performs bombed out with zeros. Sure roaches are tough and nobody wants to work with them, because it feels more like combat than a show, and it certainly does not feel like art, but if you got bills to pay and this is your only option you better learn how to make money under any condition.

After all, this is the life we chose, right?

Lets say you're on a pitch only peppered with roaches, and you see some "citizens" out there, that you would rather work for, there is another method you can use called purging.

Purging, is where the performer does the reverse, they slow down and waste time and wait out the roach, purging them from the audience, (roaches hate to wait) this leaves the the performer with good qualified people who are willing to wait, if they are willing to wait it out with you, they will stay the entire show after it begins and are likely to tip you, some of us call these people, "citizens" (aka-decent people).

The thing about purging for a performer, is that it can be nerve racking, after all, we're geared up to stop everyone right? Yeah, you will need to fight this urge and be patient and be confident. Remember people smell fear.

If your on a pitch that is unpeppered and totally infested, purging may still work, but I strongly urge you to do a do a Roach Show if you need money desperately.

And be warned!

If the performer wrongly judges an individual or a crowd as a roach and proceeds with a Roach Show this will backfire, and you will find yourself attracting and working for roaches all day and driving off good audiences and good shows. Be careful, do what the old timers have said, time and time again, and pay attention to your audience.

Sometimes you may just be dealing with a fun loving heckler that got out of hand, or maybe even someone who said something heckle-ish, but didn't mean it that way. Or maybe just maybe, you're dealing with someone in a hurry, but they want to see something, these are not roaches, go easy, Remember to try and stay fun. Try and spread love first. But if it is a roach, don't let them ruin the show for the rest of the people.

Handle it.

In upcoming articles I will be writing more about, how to design your own shows and how their structures work. The actual nuts and bolts of how a street show actually works and is constructed seems to be neglected in our industry and I would certainly feel better writing about that, then writing about Roaches.

If you have a show that you have designed yourself, it is a breeze to handle roaches or any other bother out there. Much of the problems people have is in copying a show and then not being able to handle the pitch with a canned show, because a canned show wasn't designed for you personally to handle the problems, it was designed as a generic fix all at best. With precious little info out there on how to make an original show from scratch, many are just doing the best they can with what they have. And I certainly acknowledge their efforts, but I feel bad for their undue sufferings. So in the coming articles I am going to try and help those who want it. And don't get me wrong again we all suffer from roaches, to the best of my knowledge, but good strategy gives us a better chance at providing good shows for citizens.

Your Pal.

P.S. This article was brought to you by the request and later gracious donation of my friend West Evans fellow busker.

If you want to tip me, drop a donation in the HAT HERE.