Livin in the 3rd workin in the 1st runnin with the big guns!
This is by no means a rule, merely a lifestyle of the big guns.
So here’s how it works.
You work in 1st world countries on the best pitches and crash all the festivals you can or get booked for pay plus hats. Try and hit the big ones.
You work north of the equator in the summer and jump south of the equator in the winter because down there it is summer and you work the same way down there.
You do this till you save up a floater bank account of about 10 grand.
Once you’ve done this you can vacation in the third world and live off your floater.
If you do this long enough you will be self sufficient and as stable as it can be possible for a busker.
In my travels I have met quite a few fellahs doing this and some live well, very well.
If your needin a wife Asia or Latin America awaits.