Art, tradition, professionalism, perfection, and money,in that order.
If you consider yourself a magician, then you’re an artist and you belong to a tradition whether you like it of not , with expectations from your peers and the laity.
This form of art can only function gracefully if the operator works with perfection in his mind, otherwise it appears clumsy and transparent to the spectator.
Professionalism in character, showmanship, technique, and in the work place, sadly seem to be the most neglected in the world of busking.
Money of course is a need and must be on the list, But should remain at the bottom of the list in it’s proper home. One drives a car from the drivers seat not the roof of the car.
Art, tradition, and professionalism, are absolutely mandatory, because they involve preserving the art so we all can benefit. They are also important because using these three you can still learn and progress so that you can get perfection and money.
For those who do not consider themselves magician yet persist on doing magic in their work on the street and only see the value of making money and cannot see the value of the rest of the list, I would hope at least one day they may have the intellect to understand that PROFESSIONALISM, is and always has been an important part of capitalism.
do you look professional in your costume of dress and in your character and behavior?
did the people think they saw talent and quality theater at the end of the show when being asked for money?
or did they just think, "that guy was funny and he had alot of audacity for a street guy."
when they approached did they know emediatly that there was a talent infront of them?
when they saw you perform magic did they see a huge "tell" that the person infront of them couldn't be a magician because he didn't act or look like a person involved in that sort of funny business.
worst of all did they think you were just an average guy who learned a couple of cheap tricks and were foisting them on the passer by to get money.
did you hound them for money over and over to where it appeared more like a commercial then a show?
was it a "street hustle" or "street theater?"
don't get me wrong i'm not downing the money or hatting the people with strong lines, i love it, i do.
but i love my art to much to cheapin it by making that the main emphasis of my show redunantly.