I AM NOW AT JIMMYTALKSALOT.SUBSTACK.COM It is a free newsletter/site with a complete searchable archive and everybody's over there now.
If you're looking for my book you can still buy it below or HERE or get it over at JIMMYTALKSALOT.SUBSTACK.COM
This is an instructional blog on how to street perform as a magician.
I AM NOW AT JIMMYTALKSALOT.SUBSTACK.COM It is a free newsletter/site with a complete searchable archive and everybody's over there now.
If you're looking for my book you can still buy it below or HERE or get it over at JIMMYTALKSALOT.SUBSTACK.COM
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Click Photo For Free Preview Of The Book |
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DESCRIPTION - Originally the book was released in paperback form through a publisher. As a re-release I have revised it, printed it, and bound it myself, all by hand in my workshop. The style and handling design, is that of a Mid 20th century field manual.
Dimensions are 8.5" x 11"
67 pages 20 lb bright white copy paper front and back print.
65 lb Cardstock Front and back covers.
The front cover is laser printed with the title and the authors name.
Hand bound with 3 staples along the left side and Duct taped over, with No print on back cover
Table of contents are in bold print capitals, to reference through huge selection of subjects.
Main content is written in Broken American English, by a broken american man.
Author page at back of book has photographic proof of afore mentioned brokenness.
Some Background On The Book:
This book was a life changer for me, originally it was written out of loyalty to my teachers and the tradition they had laid out for me.
This book by and large is not filled with my opinions, but rather the opinions of the masters before me. Most of these men had worked 30 years or more at their craft and had dictated to me their views. I am at present working on my own book with my own opinions and strategies that I have worked out over the years. That is not to say that I didn't use everything in this book, in fact I did, and it has given me a life as an entertainer, to which I am grateful. The masters I refer to are of course listed at the end of the book for reference.
Reception Upon the book's First Release:
Of course as in all things, people bicker over details, and so was the case with the magic community over this book, to say it was controversial is an understatement.
Don't get me wrong I was pleased with the reviews, and it was a huge seller, but this just made it worse, I was not prepared for being known as an authority on the subject, when in fact it was actually just the dictates of my teachers.
I had also found out, after the fact, that the opinions of these old street masters ruffled the feathers of the indoor club magicians and their ilk, so I recoiled into my own little world for some years now. If it weren't for the sheer demand and inquiries for the book, and me needing money, ha, I may have just let it go out of print, and continued my life as a sidewalk performer supporting and enjoying my family. Another darn good reason for releasing this book is that over the years I have seen how it has changed performers lives and has given us a life and an occupation we can count on. The information in this book is invaluable, and with all it's controversy, you will see very obviously, it's theories being practiced not only by the most successful buskers out there, but by all the most well know entertainers you already know in all venues of entertainment.
In Fact I have no doubt, that if you have researched street performing at all, you have heard of this book, and many of the masters that are referred to in it. The masters who helped me with this book saved my life and I believe this book could do the same for you.
It's over at Substack, an awsome site that does everything, I love it, and I think you will too, just CLICK HERE to get to it.
It's going to be my new home base, I'm combining all my content on that one site, so go over and look around at what I put up so far and sign up and get all my latest articles and updates in your email free.
Also I gotta Buy Me A Coffee so you can go make a donation, and sign up for free stuff and discounts.
You may have heard about my fund raiser for my van.
Well, we are half way there, I'm almost out of the hole, please don't forget me. I want to thank everyone so far that has helped me out. I have been able to get medical attention, pay off outstanding bills and pay off most of the old wrecked van. I just need to pay off the remainder of the old van and go shopping for a new used van.
I'm hoping for this soon, I want to be able to travel again to good spots and get my family back up on our feet.
Do you want less head aches on the pitch? Tired of chasing sponges blowing in the wind or balls rolling off the table down the street? Or any other hazards?
Use magic props that work on the street. Things that you can control in all weather conditions and terrain.
I use bean bags instead of sponge balls or the crochet balls that come with the cups and balls.
When you drop a bean bag on the table it makes a dead stop, and all the wind in the world is not going to make it blow off the table.
And the best part, the bean bags are easier to get than magic props, you'll never have to rely on a magic shop order again.
Here they are in action.
I make my own for the cups with red canvas and steel bbs.
I also use larger ones instead of sponge balls. These are footbags or hackysacks called Mighty Mites because they are a lot smaller than a standard size footbag.
You can find THESE HERE or other places around the net.
They compress and handle like sponge balls but fall with a dead stop and have steel bbs so the wind wont blow them. And they are much more durable for the street.
Here they are in action.
Here they are on the street used in a completely different way for a completely different routine.
They can also be used like sponge balls and put in the hands of the spectators, while still using the same techniques for multiplying or transformations or color changes.
Which brings us to tennis balls and squeaking dog chew toys. When you bounce these on a crack or a pebble they don’t shoot off, out of control, like a hard rubber ball.
They make them in all different sizes. I prefer small and extra small for easy palming, CHECK THEM OUT HERE.
You can buy these at any pets store.
I put a quarter and a golf ball there to give you a little scale. The small one is less than 2” same size as a golf ball. I have done billard ball routines with these because of their bright color perfect size and if I drop one, I can recover on the bounce coming right back to me, instead of shooting off down the street out of control.
Your Pal.
If you want to tip me drop a donation in the HAT HERE
Thanks so much to all of you that have donated so far to my fund raiser, also thanks to all of you that have shared the link, and got the word out for me.
We have reached 25% so far, so we have not reached our goal yet, but already I have been able to start paying off what I owe on the old wrecked van and paid some backed up old bills, and today I can finally afford to go to a doctor appointment. I need to go bad.
I'm hoping the donations keep coming in so that I can reach my goal of getting a new van and getting my life back.
Please keep me and my family in your prayers.
Once again thank you so much for the donations it has made a huge difference in our family's life.
Gratefully yours
Jimmy Talksalot
-backstage thrillers.
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The Noble Vagrant is glimpses into my life. I believe it tells the story of who I am, what I do, and why I do it. The story takes place on sidewalks around the U.S. and Europe. There is a certain dignity found in the stories, but the book as a whole certainly does not glamorize the streets in any way. Because it is the real story of the life on the streets as a small time sidewalk performer.
Along with the stories, it has my views on Art, Religion, Politics, and Street Dues.
I believe the opinions of people who make their way on the streets, is sorely lacking in literature. Which seems ironic to me, because in democracies around the world, governments and revolutionaries are always spouting off, this or that, in the name of the poor people, but when it comes right down to it, they never really represent our real opinions at all. Our views have always been twisted to fit the inhuman narratives of various political parties. In the book you will read about buskers paying their dues, in fact the book is dedicated to the two students who paid more than myself. These students are my pride, due to their commitment and originality. I am hoping to make a series of these memoir books, as what life I have left here on earth will permit. In these next books I will try to add all of my students, along with friends and teachers. I have always had a love for magic, but as my closest friends know, I was a working writer well before my life as a professional Magician, and I will be releasing some of my other books on other subjects other than magic also. I am hoping that this offering of street memoirs will lure more readers to my other works on the various other subjects I was more known for before my entry into the magic scene as a Street Magic writer.