Over the next coming months I will be writing articles on new subjects related to performers and venues for them to work.
I am also going to be updating the blog to make it easier to search and navigate, but for now one should start in the oldest posts, because that is where most of the nuts and bolts of street performing are covered.
I would suggest starting in Sept of 2007 for beginners. You can do that by clicking on the dates of the blog archive to your right.
If you want to know what's going on with me, my products, or the blog you can find out by going Backstage Here.
Also, you can buy my book, To Lure With Spectacle, by clicking here. This link will take you to the sales page with a full description, free preview, and links to buy the book inside, and outside the U.S.
Also, if you like this blog and you want to see more frequent articles,
you can leave me a donation by clicking this link.
Your pal Jimmy.