In my opinion the best way to end a close up show on the street is with a great finale monologue routine asking for money. Not only does this finish up your show professionally, but it also educates the audience to pay you.
I call this routine a "Hat Routine", because in it I direct everyone to put money in my hat at the end of the show.
For my routine, I use a speech or a monologue.
A "Hat Routine" is just like any magic routine.
It has a plot, a beginning, a middle and an end (finale). The plot to this routine of course would be to get money. This routine MUST be finale quality. Meaning they loved it as much or more than the show itself.
When delivering this routine you must deliver it with the same confidence you do when showing a trick. You know they want to watch a trick and you must believe they want to here this speech just as much...because they do. This speech should be entertaining, direct and to the point. when constructing this speech I begin with;
My name, where I'm from, who I am, what I do, where I've done it, and how long. People love this.
I end with how I make money to support myself and my family, which of course is solely by the donations I am given.
It should be understood that a "Hat Routine" is not limited to a speech or monologue , it can be done as a magic manipulation monologue, or mimed, or with pictures, or any other art form to tell a story.
The best place to position this routine really depends on your show structure and style as a performer. For instance if you have a big trick to finish your show, I would suggest putting the routine just before this big trick finale reminding them that you will be doing the big trick after the speech. If you don't have a big trick to finale your show with, simply use your hat routine as The Big Finale.
At the end of your show, put your hat out and as a continuation of the routine urge them to come forward and put money into your hat. Continue with the routine's bits until everyone is gone.
I have seen performers around the world make names for themselves solely on their "Hat Routines", and I believe if you put the same time into your "Hat Routine" that you have put into your magic routines you will too!
Your pal jimmy
If you want to tip me, drop a donation in the HAT HERE.